Blog: Obama’s furry new plan unveiled in Pittsburgh.
I got a kick that Osama’s speech was at the same Friday as Anthrocon.
“Not unlike Mr. Obama, furries don elaborate costumes in an attempt to draw attention to their fantasy alter-ego while concealing their true appearance. Of course these folks are engaging in a little harmless fun and they rarely if ever change costumes in order to continually pander (although some of them panda) to the gathered audience of the moment. A number of the furries waved at the Obama motorcade as it sped by on Friday.”
The irony is some furries organized themselves as Furries for Obama. Now one may laugh but it shows unlike our side Obama’s 2008 campaign was brilliant in that instead of telling who and how to reach, Obama told how and left the who visitor of his campaign site. The campaign went viral. Now I don not think there were ever a furry initiative in both Republican and Democrats camping headquarters. We can lean form Obama’s Campaign we in the GOP need to run a similar dynamic campaign