Tag Archives: Coronavirus

Some thoughts about Coronavirus and Fan Conventions.

This post is  a response to a question about the future of fan Conventions  in light of  COVID-19.

This is a speculation about the future of conventions if we can control COVID-19. I use my experience as a Sanrio fan.  One option is similar to Hello Kitty Friendship Festival and the recent Hello Kitty Around the World tour. In each case one bought a ticket for a session lasting two to four hours.  Only a fixed amount of tickets was sold per session. The session could have a show, panel, displays and a trip though the dealer’s den.

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How to Simulate a Furry Convention at Home

How to Simulate a Furry Convention at Home (CCP Virus Edition)

1- 11 By Acton


The inspiration for this came from  a joke how to simulate Navy Shipboard Life at sea. http://www.midwaysailor.com/military/shiplife.html

2020 note I originally wrote this almost  10 years ago. I decided to revise this in the light many con postponed or  canceled because of the of the  Coronavirus


  1. Rearrange furniture, in the bedroom place one bed, couch, and TV; this is the hotel room. Designate other areas for panels. Because of Stay at homes will be phones or laptops showing YouTube panels.  The required simulation events are opening and closing ceremonies, one fursuiting 101 panels, and optional furry sexuality panel at night. Be sure to schedule at least six virtual panels. At the start of  the simulation flip the start of panel one with panel six and cancel panel three. Start panel four  15 minutes late and run into the time slotted for panel five.


  1. Invite three other friends to join along; one of the friends must not bathe during the simulation weekend. Unless they are your roommates, you may use Zoom or skype.

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