Hello Kitty Supercute Festival Cancelation

The mystery deepens

“Alas, the tour went kaput. A spokeswoman says VEE, the company overseeing the festival, decided not to continue with the fall/holiday leg. VEE “was acquired just as the tour launched; the new ownership had a different vision for the organization,” she says.”


All  along was it VEE intention to walk away from the tour?  Sanrio at times  misses when picking  partners for collaborations .They are great for retail products like Tokidoki   and Loungefly, but  miss the mark  when it came to game like Aiea games for Hello Kitty Online and  VEE corporation for  Supercute  Festival. What puzzling is why, VEE does the  Sesame Street traveling  shown, that attract the same number as the Hello Kitty Supercute  Festival but  Hello Kitty  is not.  Is it because Vee doesn’t care to do interactive shows but prefer higher per show attendance volume stage shows?

Over all Sanrio made a poor choice partnering with VEE.  Still we can hope Sanrio  can fine a new partner or push it to Sanrio Entertainment.

Hello Kitty’s Supercute Friendship Festival Report

Hello Kitty’s  Supercute  Friendship Festival Report

The event: Hello Kitty’s  Supercute Friendship  Festival

The Place Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Portland Oregon

The time: 31 July to  2 Aug  2015;  100pm Session.


Hello Kitty’s  Subercute Friendship Festival is touring North America until end of this mounts.   There were five sessions available , I selected the 1:00pm to 5:00pm. I  started at 1:00pm because I bought a ticket for the Red Bow premium package. This includes and exclusive photo op with Hello Kitty, one hour early entry, ( the main events did not start until  2:00pm and lasted to  5:00pm), and early shopping  time.

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