How Newcon is waking the road to ruin of Rainfurrest

On 29 Dec I seen a post on Newcon’s Facebook page

“UPDATE: Due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to move our venue to the Hilton Portland Downtown.”

Unfortunately, the circumstances were not as unforeseen as new con management wants us to believe.

Furthermore, it seems though other sources The Downtown Hilton is not a done deal. In addition, it unheard of to make such arrangements in a shot amount of time.  If the deal goes through Tuesday, they would only have 72 hours to reconfigure the panel rooms, main stage, dealers den, alert all the vendors and get the drops need for main event.

Unlike Rainfurrest the problem is not one of fans behaving badly, drug and vandalism problem it one of finical irresponsibility. Hotels expect prompt payment. After five years, Newcon should have built up an account to handle bills live a hotel depots up enough to pay the bill or Hotel deposit.

Like Rainfurrest, Newcon is performing the same disastrous actions the doomed Rainfurrest. First not communication and cutting off communication to attendees, and vendors. I do not know what the status of guests of honor is.  Already one vendor and staff memeber has dropped out. Worst Newcon had restricted comments and removed others. Second, I am not sure Newcon is been honest with the Hilton. The Newcon promised hotel reservations will open in 12 hours, but now it been 24 hours and still no page. Mr. Armstrong and executive committee tried to spin Rainfurrest being kicked out of the Hilton; it did not work because hotels do talk to each other. Rainfurrest found out as many hotels turned them down. A nonpayment complaint is a black spot on Newcon integrity and record something the Hilton will take into account.

I will still be going but I keep my expectations in check.

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