My response to Local Convention COVOD-19 Policy

I have a big announcement  for the rest of 2021 and 2022 and beyond. I will not be attending  any  fan conventions  in 2021 and beyond until Kumoricon, Orycon, RCCC, Anthro Northwest   come to their  senses and stop forcing  unnecessary  medical test or  divulge private  medical information as a  requirement to attend a convention. It is wrong  for those who are and force  others  to surrender their freedom and privacy for three  days of fun deserve nether. I do believe  health  and safety is the issue but the 900 LB ogre call government  Lockdown. There are those who willing to  throw other’s privacy   under the bus to keep the lockdown ogre at bay.

Do not  get me wrong I am centrist  in the  vaccine debate. I am against any government  mandate but  realize for me and other  the vaccine is needed.  I  frown on both  force mandates and the anti-vaccination crowd. I can poke hole in both arguments. Some people  may  not need vaccination while others  it a life saver. I do not believe  the false narrative  of herd immunity. It may not happen We just need to live with COVID-19. Private organization can make  rules regardless how  bad as well of  my choice not to attend.

Foer those who are putting  such restrictions in the name  of protecting immune depressed and people with auto immune condition like me, you are doing us no favor. I must board a bus and max trains  with vaccinated  non-vaccinated I am still here.

I  am willing to help support alternative  and events. The rules will be  just use  common since and that is it.

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