Furry has LGBTQ, but not all Furry is LGBTQ

There is a tread in the Furry Fandom of gender identity activists stuffing their political ideology with good helping of intersectionality into a hollowed out fursuit and declaring their ideology as the defining expression for the entire Furry Fandom, even to say furry is a subset of Queer as in LGBTQ.

Now let me throw a flag on this play: Sweeping Generalization Fallacy, ten-yard penalty. Yes, there is LGBTQ element in furry fandom, so there are heterosexual, Christian, liberal, conservative, etc. elements in the fandom, but no one group can declare themselves the one defining authority in the furry fandom and appoint themselves at the gate keeper of the fandom.

My response to the activist is you are part of the fandom you are not the owner of the furry fandom.    Furries are fans of anthropomorphic animals in art, literature, and fursuiting; one’s race, religion, politics, sexual identity is irrelevant when one is a talking animal. It is why in the past many of us furs got along by concentration on furry culture despite our ideological beliefs. The Furry fandom belongs to all and is not just entity for an activist to shove their ideology into the fandom. It is not my fandom; it is our fandom.

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