Tag Archives: Alt-Fur

There Nazi furs under my Bed — NOT!

There Patch O Fur  goes again, hunting imaginary Nazis in the fandom.

Recently   Dogpatch Press had  release another round logical fallacies dressed as news of news alleging Andrew Anglin, the neo-Nazi shill of the Daily Stormer, accepting and encouraging the Alt Furs. Dogpacth press’ argument on this post and others built shaky foundation of tweets taken out of context and generalizations.

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Fake News Antifascist Witch Hunts and Left Wing Protest

There been a spat of fake news concerning  so called right wing elements in the furry fandom .  The report was constructed around a few member and tweets instead of serious investigative journalism. I dare say Motherbod has much credibility as Alt-Right and that is not saying much for ether. There no corresponding report in establish news media or mention of alt-furries  in overtly White Supremacist sites like Stormfront.

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