Tag Archives: Politics

Responding to Internet Trolls, Politicians and Litterbox Hoax

If 2022 is not bad enough, I need to raise an alarm be over ignorance and internet trolls and activist playing gotcha, and discredit undiscerning conservatives, by using hoaxes used to troll fury fandom. The hoax goes like this: school … Continue reading

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Musings of An Unemployed Tech Part 1.

(Based in a replay I made to another blog) I am a republican I was unemployed from January 2009 to Aug 2009 and again from Mar 2010 to now. I think Unemployment should not be a permanent lifestyle. Furthermore, like … Continue reading

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Obama and The Preacher

I expected Obama to pull something like that. While  I disagree  with MR. Warren theologically (to the point I left the Baptist Church for Reformed)  he , is  in my opinion one of the architects of the  shift in the … Continue reading

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The Conservative Crack Up

It is becoming sad day as I watch the conservative moment go from the party of Goldwater and Reagan to the party of mad hatters. First over immigration as conservatives still trying to beat the Populist drum over immigration not … Continue reading

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